1.He was trying to make safe surface coatings for food containers using chemicals less hazardous than those found in household cleaners.
2.As the battle to make safe the Fukushima nuclear reactors continues, the political fallout is spreading across Japan and around the world.
3.Packaging work of the department is to meet the requirements of logistics and transport guests to make safe and accurate arrival warehouse.
4.User input is actually harder to make safe because there is no stack frame to trace the presence of the potentially untrusted data.
5.Technicians there are struggling to make safe reactors damaged by the quake and the wall of water that's swept through the complex.
6.Yeah, thats the train I want to ride on. . . a scary fast train built by the same country that cant even make safe toys and dog food. lol.
7.And we are constantly pumping out all kinds of unnatural chemicals that the Earth and its atmosphere are unable to absorb or make safe.
8.Make safe the way that leads on high, And close the path to misery.
9.One, carry out fulfil safe production regulations, make safe production annual objectives and plans ( 10 mark )
10.defend v. Protect; make safe: